New to FBC

New to FBC?

New places can be intimidating and we encourage you to come as you are. If you've never gone to church before or you're a long time follower of Jesus, you are welcome.

What can I expect?

A warm friendly welcome, dynamic worship and relevant biblically centered teaching. You will find various ways to connect outside the weekends through life groups, classes, bible studies and other special event.

What should I wear?

Clothing is not something we're hung up on. There is no dress code at FBC. No right thing to wear or wrong thing to wear. What matters is that you are here.

Morning schedule

10:00-10:30 coffee and snacks 10:30-11:45 church service adult sunday school "Promise Island" children 1st-5th grade "Encounter" students 6th-12th grade

How do I find FBC?

First Baptist Church of Watsonville 101 Madison, Watsonville, CA 95076

Click here for link to map